Trustworthy Wills & Trust Attorney – Legal Services
Wills, trusts, health care, and financial proxies are only a few components of a well-rounded estate plan. Legislation governing trusts and estates, both new and old, should be considered.
Our attorneys at Sherer Law Offices have the expertise to handle difficult Probate matters and provide excellent legal counsel and direction for Estate Planning.
One of the essential things you can do to protect your family now and leave a lasting legacy for future generations is to work with an experienced Wills & Trust Attorney.
Due to our expertise in this area of law, we can offer advice on how to protect best and pass on the following aspects of your legacy:
- Land
- Property
- Business Or Home
- Traditions Or Family
- Treasures
- Cash
- Stocks & Bonds
Estate Planning Attorney San Antonio
There’s a common misunderstanding that “ESTATE PLANNING” is only for the wealthiest, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Those who are less well-off typically benefit more from having a strategy in place. Anything you own at your death is your “estate,” It must be dispersed following your final intentions.
Anybody over 18 should have a will, a durable power of attorney, a medical power of attorney, a release of medical information, a declaration of guardianship, and a directive to physicians (also known as a living will). That’s one of the greatest presents you can give your loved ones. Having an estate plan will save your loved one’s time, money, and stress as they follow your desires.
Elder Law Attorney San Antonio
The increasing population of seniors necessitated the development of a new subfield of law to address their unique concerns. Complex legal problems relating to financial requirements, long-term care, public benefits, guardianship, and other aspects of ageing arise as life expectancy increases.
It’s a common misconception that only the rich must consider estate planning. Everyone should make preparations ahead of time.
It’s hard to lose a loved one. While you’re grieving, the last thing you must deal with is the legal and financial details.
It can be helpful to leave a Will outlining your wishes for your possessions and who gets them once you pass away. Nonetheless, a Will must be probated before assets can be distributed to the named heirs.
Like death is inevitable, sickness and disability are also a part of living. Before our ends, many of us will become unwell and lose the capacity to make decisions on our own. We can assist you in drafting a comprehensive estate plan, including health care and financial power of solicitor documents. This readily available information will alleviate stress during times of crisis for you and your loved ones by letting medical professionals and financial institutions know who to contact.
Estate Planning Packages Must Include The:
· Will
You can direct the distribution of your estate and debts in a Will. Independent administrators and alternates are designated to carry out their duties with little to no oversight from the court. Probate is the legal procedure by which a will is validated in court, an estate is administered, and assets are distributed to the beneficiaries.
· Trust
Trusts are established to handle the administration and distribution of property during and after your lifetime. Trust is optional for everyone. Trusts, however, can be useful for persons who have assets in more than one state or are making plans for loved ones with disabilities or other unusual circumstances. Those who want to skip the probate process may also be interested in trusts.
Power Of Attorney Recognized By Law
Statutory Long-Lasting With the power of a solicitor, another person can act on your behalf in financial matters. The authority provided herein shall be effective upon execution and survive your incapacity. Death revokes the power of solicitors.
Nomination Of A Potentially Necessary Guardian
If you become incapacitated and need a guardian, this paper will allow you to name that person in advance. It also lets you rule out certain individuals as potential candidates for guardianship.
Attorney For Health Care Proxy
If you cannot make decisions regarding your medical treatment, a Medical Power of Attorney allows you to appoint a substitute decision-maker. Your incapacity is required for this document to take effect.
Instructing Health Care Professionals
The term “living will” is sometimes used to refer to this legal document. It allows you to decide in advance whether or not you want medical intervention to prolong your life in the final stages.